Slightly Sour Rasberry Homebrew

Welp, second year in a row I’ve tried my hand at a fruit beer. I religiously collected raspberries from the bushes in my yard and wound up with about 2.5 pounds. I used Vienna malt, that I was excited about trying since hearing Randy Mosher talk it up on a beer podcast I linked to in an earlier post about grains, and some speciality Argentinan Carmel grains that had a high Lovibond degree. I would have preferred a lighter color but I got excited by the description when shopping at Brew and Grow. I put the 2.5# of raspberries in for a secondary fermentation. They were frozen in the meantime, and apparently freezing your raspberries is a good thing as far as juice and safety concerns go. I left it about a week and the raspberries had a decent mold film, and I removed them before bottling and let beer sit a couple more days because I became worried about the beer turning to vinegar for a few different reasons. Anyway, bottled tonight, and in the end, am getting a beer that will make s great present (hitting the road for a summer vacation in about a week). One more week til the beer is ready to drink out of bottles, and I hope I get to brewing before Christmas. Since I’m taking an advanced brewing workshop Aug. 26 it looks good but before that even better. 

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